Pumpkin Pie Smoothie

Fall Immune Boosting Smoothie Recipe + Flu Fighting Tips!

Happy fall fitness family!

Tis the season for flu season. Are you prone to getting sick? Does your cold have a tendency to linger for days, even weeks?

My objective as a functional nutrition and health coach is to help my clients optimize their diets and lifestyle habits to build an ironclad immune system.

People with a depressed immune system, weakened gut biome, or nutrient deficiencies may be more prone to catching the flu or a cold much easier.

Stress, lack of sleep, a diet high in sugar and exposure to toxins can all suppress immunity, making you susceptible to getting sick.

Here are my top natural remedies, foods and supplements to add into your diet this fall to optimize immune function and keep you healthy all season long without using toxic, over the counter remedies.

My top supplements, essential oils and foods to add into your daily protocol this fall:

Fall Immune Boosting Smoothie With Pumpkin & Turmeric

Enjoy this smoothie 2-3 times a week to help optimize immune function and reduce systemic inflammation.

*makes 1 serving


  • 3 Tablespoons chia seeds
  • 2 cups unsweetened almond milk
  • 1/4 cup organic pumpkin purée (high in vitamin A & C)
  • 1 ripe banana (frozen is best)
  • 2 Tablespoons sunflower seed or almond butter
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric (amazing anti-inflammatory super-food great for digestion and cancer prevention)
  • 1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice


Combine and blend all ingredients in a high speed blender. Let sit for 15 minutes so the chia seeds can "swell" optimizing absorption and assimilation.

*if you’re on a reduced sugar diet, try making this smoothie with less or no banana, OR swap banana for 1/2 teaspoon of raw honey .

Vitamin C

  • Vitamin C helps with immune system function and boosts white blood cells.
  • Take 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C daily to ward off a cold or the flu and up to 4,000 milligrams daily when you are experiencing symptoms.
  • Eat whole fruits and vegetables. Great sources are oranges, limes, lemons, carrots and butternut squash.

Vitamin D (5000 IU daily)

  • Vitamin D is produced in the body by sunlight and regulates the expression of over 2,000 genes, including those of the immune system. Recent research shows that low vitamin D levels are linked to higher rates of cold, flu and respiratory infections. (3)
  • Many physicians believe that current recommended daily amounts of vitamin D are far too low, and that 5,000 rather than 200-400 units per day is a better choice.
  • To treat cold or flu, take 2,000 units per kilogram of body weight once a day for three days.
  • You can also order home testing kits to test your vitamin D levels.

Oregano Oil ( 1 drop a day keeps the doctor away)


  • Restoring the beneficial bacteria in your gut will boost your immune system considerably.

What are you favorite foods to add in this fall? If you are prone to getting sick, contact me for a strategy session so I can help you identify what culprits are causing you to get sick and a specific plan to optimize your immune function.

Yours in good health,

Christine xo