Live: Your Best Life

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I want to live 100. I want to be able to take long walks with my grandchildren (if I'm lucky enough to be graced with them). I want to be able to do a push up at 100, or bend over without tearing my ACL or pulling out my back.

I want to age with grace, without any medications or suffer from a debilitating disease. I want to be able to have conversations and have solid memory retention too.

Does this sound too good to be true?

Well, in America it sounds like a pipe dream-I get that.

The American way of life is one of the most destructive and health sabotaging lifestyles in the world.

According to CMS.GOV, the United States spent...WAIT FOR IT....$3.2 Trillion in healthcare in 2015 and that figure is going to continue to rise.

Doesn't that dollar amount stop and give you pause?

Do you think its normal to get sick and live on a plethora of medications?

Do you think that this is our rite of passage as humans?

Genes Load The Gun, Your Lifestyle Pulls The Trigger


LEARN. One of the 5 Guiding Principles and our MANIFESTO here at the Burn Method is the importance of continuing education and personal development and it's correlation to health, wellness and happiness.

  • Continue to grow and evolve as a person, becoming the best version of you.
  • Always stay curious and ask great questions.
  • Read, because knowledge is power.
  • Learn from your mistakes and remember that it's never a failure, always a lesson.

Summer is arriving and hopefully that means that you are ready for some spectacular summer reading!

Here are my top picks for personal development that cover all areas of your life. The books that I've recommended touch upon nourishing your Love Buckets in your life which is instrumental in maximizing your success physically, financially, spiritually, emotionally, professionally and in relationships, both personal and professional.

What are your favorite reads? Have you read any of these books-if so, what are your thoughts and what have you learned?

Yours in good health,
