Slimming Sides


If you want to work your way into a bikini, you need to eat some tahini!

What is Tahini?

  • Tahini is a type of sauce or paste made from ground sesame seeds.
  • Tahini is a healthier alternative to peanut butter because it doesn’t grow mold as often, is not as common an allergen, and is less processed and rancid, though both are high in omega-6, so tahini should still be consumed in moderation.

Health Benefits of Tahini Include:

  • high in healthy fats and amino acids
  • a great source of essential vitamins and minerals
  • helps regulate blood pressure and cholesterol
  • can help balance hormones, which is essential for fat-loss
  • helps improve skin health
  • boosts nutrient absorption

After a recent trip to True Food Kitchen, I was encourage by my friends to recreate this amazing cauliflower recipe that we tried-it was SOOOOOO good. Here's my version, which is came in pretty close. Let me know what you think!

This fat-burning, gluten free, vegan side pairs well with any clean animal protein or for something lighter, toss into a large mixed green salad! Enjoy warm or cold!
