Cecile Murla, Toulouse, France: Chronic Infections + Systemic Inflammtion
I work with clients that have different goals. They can range from weight-loss to inflammation, even healing hormonal imbalances. When it comes to inflammation, it can present in a multitude of ways-anything from water retention, toxin overload to joint pain, even auto-immune diseases. Cecile didn't have "weight" to lose, however, her underlying inflammation was causing her body to retain water and skew her hormones. By addressing her low-level inflammation, we were able to combat her chronic yeast infections, hormonal imbalances, and systemic water retention.
Before After
Weight 61.0 k (134.7 lb.) 60 K (132 lb)
Waist 72 cm ( 28.3 inches) 70 cm ( 27 inches)
Hips 89 cm (35 inches) 88 cm (34 inches)
Legs 57 cm (22 inches) 54 cm (21 inches)
Arms 28 cm (11 inches) 26 cm (10 inches)
4.3 Inches of inflammtion lost
Arms 28 cm (11 inches)
We live in a society where we can't seem to strike balance because so often, we are lead to believe that restriction, calorie counting, excessive workouts, and diet rigidity is the answer. I love re-educating my clients that there is a MUCH softer and easier way to achieve balance and your ideal set-weight and oh how liberating it can be!
Why did you decide to work with a health coach and lifestyle practitioner?
I decided to work with Christine mainly because I could not find anybody like her here in France. I have been fighting against some yeast infection for months and I was sure that was coming from some kind of food imbalance since all the medicines i was taking here were not working at all. the problem was not my body, but the food i was using or not using actually.
What were your goals?
To find peace in food. Food is not my enemy but I was struggling to find some balance. Now I get it. Diet is not an option. I enjoy eating and I found my balance. It is perfectly fine to indulge sometimes you just have to use the 80/20 rules.
What did you learn about your body and yourself during the Thrive 9 process?
I have learned that my body has gone through a lot of stress due to excessive dieting. My metabolism is not so good. But I am learning to accept my body as it is. I am not perfect, I will never be a supermodel "Victoria secrets angel !!!" But is it my goal? No. I just want to feel good in my body and be proud of my journey.
Did you feel that Thrive 9 was hard to follow?
No, I had no problem following the method. I still do and take all my supplements and feel fine about it.
What was your biggest a-ha moment with working with Christine?
I think my biggest aha moment is actually that she made me realize that my body is great already. That I don't need to stress out about 1-2 kilos more on my scale. Actually, I am not using my scale as much as I used to.
I am still learning about this but I think I have changed a lot. I am learning too that we are all different and for me, my water intake plays a major role in my "diet" journey. We have to drink to see some changes !!!!
How do you feel overall?
I feel great even if right now I have hurt my knee and I am learning to re-adapt....Not to over exercise and doing my yoga too.
What is the biggest takeaway you’ve learned about food and yourself?
That food can be joy and not the enemy. I feel more balanced. I have no problem taking a day off or 2 and not working out daily for an hour.
My journey is about finding balance and self-confidence. Took me almost 10 years to get there. Now I have all the tools. I just have to stay focused and never forget that actually, the results are pretty easy to get ....you just have to ask yourself the right questions.