Deb L. Kennett Square, Pa

I came upon Christine through a groupon deal that seemed worthwhile even if I attended it several times for the month. I have always exercised 3-4 x a week since I was in my twenties, and thought why not try something for a change. I typically would take classes in “body pump, ‘spinning” and enjoyed them for a while but would get bored after months of doing the same routine. You can imagine my surprise when she said all you need to do is 15 minutes of training at high intensity/interval training work five to six times a week. It helps to increase your metabolism–more than working out for 60 minutes on a treadmill. I thought there is no way this could be possible since my mantra all these years has been the more I work out, the better my body/fat composition. However as I aged, it was becoming increasingly more difficult to even maintain and it seemed that no matter what class I took, it made no difference in my physique. So when I showed up in Christine’s class, I thought what can she do in a short workout that I haven’t already done! That was the first mistake—I could barely walk after my first class, and every week my body adjusts to something new. She is changing the class up every session, and you never have the “boredom” I would get in typical classes. It has totally been a different mindset for me from the standpoint of exercise, and one that I would have never believed. I think the best part of her approach, however, is the rule—90% whole foods, 10%–exercise. I always exercised to eat, and really justified my eating by how I exercised. So this has been great insight for me and has made a change in my body already, only after several months. I wish her lifestyle approach with all the information she provides should be a required “class” in grade school through college. What a difference that would make in quality of life for so many people today! Keep up the good work, Christine.

Deb L. Kennett Square, Pa